I love love love the holidays! :)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Day 60...
I'm fucking beat! This is not going to be a fun weekend. Not at all. Not even a little bit. I'm dying to see him.. but I have so much freaking work to do that if I don't.. I won't mind. I have to read my story, then write my term paper (nope haven't started). I have to read the rest of the Tempest. Reread the short stories from this week so I can take a test. Read 2 chapters in Bio, do the test and do the presentation on MRSA. *If* there is any time left over, I need to do my laundry and clean. Fuck. I need to do my laundry no matter what.
Mom will be out of town. I think I'll just curl up with some yummy tea and hide away. No real contact and just whither away until the end of the semester.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
day 59
Wow... I'm a little out of ideas... I have an idea for a theme week that I'll be mapping out and hopefully executing well. Hopefully.
I am so busy with school and work and what not that taking these pictures is super hard. I like this picture a lot.. but had no commentary to add to it.. which kinda makes me sad...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Day 57
It's all just a waiting game now. I'm waiting for the semester to end. I'm waiting for training to end at work so I can pick up more hours. I'm waiting for Christmas to come and go and hoping no one buys me anything. I'm waiting for him to start a conversation I want to have that he'll never start. I'm waiting for myself to cheer up. I'm waiting for my insurance to kick in so I can start taking care of me. I'm waiting for everything to magically fix itself....
Sunday, November 25, 2007
day 56....
I hate Sunday pictures. There is one I really want to get, but that involves Jon.. and I feel weird about asking him to do it. Why? 'cause I'm insane.
I saw him last night. I *shouldn't* have... but I did. I couldn't help it. i was horny... and awake.. and my internet exploded.
I wanted to talk to him about something this weekend.. but being that I only saw him for a couple of hours, I did not. I probably never will.
I don't want to feel used.. but I have to admit, it's kinda hard. I never really know where he's coming from and it sucks. I can't ask 'cause I'm afraid of the answer.
Anthony is on his way over. I hope he wants to go somewhere instead of just playing on the computer all day.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Day 55
It's Saturday. Jon has some big project he's working on, so I didn't go there last night. Just as well. I hope I get to see him today.. but eh.. I have stuff to do. i think I'm just craving interaction. I haven't seen anyone since Weds and even then, it was Anthony, so we were just sitting on the computer on opposite sides of the room. Story of my life.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Day 54
mmm I'm kinda relaxed! I have to get up and do dishes.. but never in my life have I felt more relaxed after Thanksgiving.
As soon as I post this, I have to get up and start my day..
Something happened this week which has kinda brought me to my boiling point. I'll probably write about it Sunday or Monday...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Day 53- Happy Thanksgiving..
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Day 52
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
I've been doing this for 50 days now...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
day 49......
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Day 48
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Day 46
Not much to say. It's Thursday!! That makes me a happy Megan. I took a bio test today that I either did surprisingly well on.. or surprisingly terrible on. BUT! Tonight.. and tomorrow for work.... then WEEKEND. And what does next week bring me???????
Monday- school for 2 hours.. then work. Tuesday- Just work. Weds- just school for 2 hours. Thurs- OFF!!!!! Fri- just work.
:) :) :)
So happy for so many reasons. 2 weeks that I don't have to worry about a bio presentation!!! Yippee!!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
44 days in....
Monday, November 12, 2007
Day 43
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Day 41
Date night with Jon. This really kinda felt like a date. We ordered take out from bertucci's (lasagna was SO good... the lobster ravioli wasn't bad, either.. just wish the lobster was more evenly disbursed throughout all of the raviolis). We got some super yummy wine (pinot nior), and sat back and watched Futurama. It was a good night. It was, actually, a very good night....
Some 365 rejects:
Friday, November 9, 2007
Day 40
Some days a picture has more meaning than it should....
I emailed Jon last weekend thanking him for my birthday and (in my mind) pouring my feelings out... I haven't heard from him since Monday for half a second.
I hate boys.
I had a hair appointment today and was forced to look at myself in the mirror for half an hour. I feel disgusting.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
an extra picture on day 38
I felt like taking one more picture of myself. This is just me. No levels change, no cropping, no border. From camera to flickr.. this is simply me. I don't know why I felt the need to do this.... I guess just sometimes I can get so curious about the possibilities of a good/decent 365 picture that has some level of creativity.. I simply just forget that I'm not just showing you who I am. Pony tail and all.
Not adding to any group... not tagging. A picture of me.. simply for me and anyone else who wants to see who i am :)
my 38th day
I had a little mental breakdown yesterday.. it kinda spilled into today =/
.......I was gonna say that I don't want to talk about it.. but I just haven't. So, since this is what this is here for... here is my rambling:
I don't know if I can do this school and work thing. No one really knows this, but I'm backed up on my school payment and have no idea if/when I'll be able to pay it up to date.. which means I do't know if I will be able to register for next semester.
My other problem is living at home. It's fine, I guess.. but I really hate it. So, I'm thinking of a few options for myself... but that means I may be looking to move out around or soon after June. I really want to talk to someone about these things. I don't want to shoot myself in the foot.. but I don't want to be miderable, either. =/
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
day 37
Monday, November 5, 2007
dayith 36
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Day 34- Birthday!
Possibly the best birthday I've ever had. Friday night I went to Jon's. I was tired but just glad to not be working. He offered me a drink and my lack of self control took place. At 12:15, he realized what time it was and wished me a happy birthday :)
The next morning, I spent the morning throwing up (don't think he knows that)... when he woke up, he wished me a happy birthday again....... and handed me a present. Wow.. i wasn't expecting that AT ALL.
Then, he went with me for Sushi and I dropped him off at his mom's house. I met up with Anthony, Juli, Shannon, Sun, and Luke for dinner, then they tricked me into coming into a dark house where they had spent the afternoon decorating. We then ate and wii'd and played board games. It was fun :)
The night ended and I went back up to see Jon. i was more tired than I should have been, but I really do enjoy sleeping there.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Day 33
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Day 32
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