Possibly the best birthday I've ever had. Friday night I went to Jon's. I was tired but just glad to not be working. He offered me a drink and my lack of self control took place. At 12:15, he realized what time it was and wished me a happy birthday :)
The next morning, I spent the morning throwing up (don't think he knows that)... when he woke up, he wished me a happy birthday again....... and handed me a present. Wow.. i wasn't expecting that AT ALL.
Then, he went with me for Sushi and I dropped him off at his mom's house. I met up with Anthony, Juli, Shannon, Sun, and Luke for dinner, then they tricked me into coming into a dark house where they had spent the afternoon decorating. We then ate and wii'd and played board games. It was fun :)
The night ended and I went back up to see Jon. i was more tired than I should have been, but I really do enjoy sleeping there.
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