So it's that glorious wondrous sparkly holiday where you have to tell the people you love that you love them (since it's forbidden the rest of the year) and if you're single you're required to, I think, hate yourself more than usual. Me? I'm the queen of VD. I start hating it the moment I see something at the store. I think this year I first saw something on December 26.
But this year, I've been good. I've been laying off the hate and letting it quietly eat me up. I have not publicly declared my utter loathing of this holiday. It has not been in an attempt to gain recognition from those who should be recognizing.. but rather so if anyone feels the need to express their love/gratitude/appreciation/adoration for me they can feel free to do so without me biting their head off. I have been very careful not to let it slip to certain people that I think the holiday is crap. It has not helped.
I'm pretty freaking hungry and I have a long day ahead of me =/ I should probably stop at the store and get food before that day starts.
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