Wednesday, November 7, 2007

my 38th day

38/365- My secret life...

I had a little mental breakdown yesterday.. it kinda spilled into today =/

.......I was gonna say that I don't want to talk about it.. but I just haven't. So, since this is what this is here for... here is my rambling:

I don't know if I can do this school and work thing. No one really knows this, but I'm backed up on my school payment and have no idea if/when I'll be able to pay it up to date.. which means I do't know if I will be able to register for next semester.

My other problem is living at home. It's fine, I guess.. but I really hate it. So, I'm thinking of a few options for myself... but that means I may be looking to move out around or soon after June. I really want to talk to someone about these things. I don't want to shoot myself in the foot.. but I don't want to be miderable, either. =/

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